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Sending Messages

Sending a Simple Message

The code snippet below is enough to show you how.

from wappdriver import WhatsApp
with WhatsApp() as bot:
    bot.send('aahnik',  # name of recipient
             'hi send by a bot')  # message
# The name of the recipient should be in your contacts

Messages with bold, italics and strike-through

To send formatted text, use the same techniques you use while typing on your smartphone.

Simply enclose the words with special characters as shown


Screenshot from 2020-10-08 21-02-54

Sending Emojis

To send an emoji simply copy it from the internet and paste it in your message string.

Here are some commonly used emojis

🙄 😂 😫 🤔 🔥  😌 😍 🤣 😭 😂 🙏 💕 💜 👉

Sending to Multiple People

You can easily send a message to multiple people

from wappdriver import WhatsApp

recipients = ['friend','mom','dad', 'boss', 'client']

with WhatsApp() as bot:
    for person in recipients:
        bot.send(person, f'hi {person} send by a bot')