Package wappdriver

API for WhatsApp Web Automation

Wondering how to send WhatsApp messages using Python using only 3 lines of code? You have come to the right place!

Read the Documentaion

View on GitHub

This page is detailed documentation of the internals of wappdriver, automatically generated from docstrings.

This page is intended for developer's who want to contribute code to wappdriver.

If you wish to just use wappdriver, read the Usage Guide

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API for WhatsApp Web Automation


Wondering how to send WhatsApp messages using Python using only 3 lines of code? You have come to the right place!

Read the [Documentaion](

View on [GitHub](

This page is detailed documentation of the internals of wappdriver, automatically generated from docstrings.

This page is intended for developer's who want to contribute code to wappdriver. 

If you wish to just use wappdriver, read the [Usage Guide](


__version__ = "0.6.3"

# from .context import Wapp
from .local import set_chrome_driver_path, update_selectors
# from .error import handle_errors
# from .driver import WappDriver
from .whatsapp import category, WhatsApp

# AAHNIK 2020



command line


This module contains the WappDriver class, which is responsible for driving the core features of the application. You have to create an …


This module defines custom Wappdriver Exception. WappDriver Excpetion helps in abstracting internal exception details from the end user




This module contains the context manager for creating a bot ie an instance of WappDriver Class