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Here goes a list of concepts I have learned/implemented while building this project.

Feel free to click on any concept to see a code sample where it is used.

At most, search results can show two fragments from the same file, but there may be more results within the file.

To learn any concept, copy and paste the concept title in Google or YouTube.

  1. Basics (functions, input, f-string, conditionals and so on)
  2. Exception Handling
  3. Objected Oriented Programming ( writing classes and methods )
  4. Regular Expressions
  5. Directory Handling using os.path
  6. expanduser
  7. join
  8. File Handling
  9. Checking whether a file exists
  10. Reading and writing files
  11. Getting file size
  12. Python Requests
  13. Selenium WebDriver
  14. Selecting elements
  15. Clicking and sending keys
  16. File upload
  17. Concept of Xpath
  18. Using a tool like Selector's Hub
  19. Decorators
  20. Custom Exception Class
  21. Logging
  22. Docstings and pdoc3
  23. Building simple CLI with Argparse
  24. Progress Bars with tqdm
  25. Python Packaging and Distribution
  26. Writing in Markdown
  27. GitHub Pages
  28. Using mkdocs with mkdocs-material
  29. Using a .gitattributes file to ignore any produced html from language statistics of the repo